Flying remote controlled (RC) helicopters were once reserved for only the dedicated veteran RC flyers. Since the invention of cheaper electronics, flying has been opened up to the general public through cheap, off-the-shelf flying merchandise. Although it may be easy to buy a helicopter, it isn't always easy to learn how to fly it. If your dragonfly helicopter is causing you flying problems, some techniques are available to help you fly your RC helicopter.
Fly a computer simulator before even touching your RC helicopter. Flying helicopters in a computer simulator greatly reduces your chances of a crash or mishap, and is worth the extra $20-$50 you will spend on it.
Get a flying veteran to test pilot your helicopter before trying it out.
rc heli
This person can go through the pre-flight check with you, making sure you know exactly how to prepare and fly your helicopter.
Start flying short little "hops" on a flat surface. Just bring the throttle up to about halfway, and let the helicopter hover 2 to 3 feet above the ground. Practice using the trim (which trims out the rotors so the helicopter can fly straight), throttle and joystick. It helps if you can get a training gear, which will reduce the chance of a fatal mishap if your helicopter crashes.
Fly your helicopter at about 7 to 8 feet as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. Try practicing a figure-8 around yourself with the helicopter. Getting used to controlling your helicopter is vital, and this figure-8 motion can help speed up this process.
rc helicopter
Practice the every day, trying to get more and more comfortable with your helicopter.
If you are unable to get a training gear, glue on foam to the bottom of your dragonfly helicopter to reduce the chance of breaking your helicopter on hard impacts
Once you get good enough, try bringing your helicopter to an RC flying meet. If you're lucky, there might even be a club you can join.
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